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The Humble Guide to HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) in Aesthetic Medicine
HIFU Singapore



300 shots

Price Of HIFU Singapore (超声刀)

Unlock Your Skin's Lifting Power

Ultracel Q+ Medical Grade HIFU Singapore

Performed by MOH (Ministry Of Health) Licensed Medical Doctor  

HIFU Singapore Face Lifting     $200 Nett [300 shots]

HIFU Singapore Face Lifting     $500 Nett [800 shots]

HIFU Singapore Face & Neck   $800 Nett [1200 shots]

Visible Results

Lasting 3-6 mths

Lifting & Tightening 

Youthful Appearance

Non-Surgical & Painfree

Treatment Time 30 min

Targeted Ultrasound Boost Collage

1. What Is HIFU Singapore

HIFU is an advanced non-surgical and FDA approved medical aesthetic treatment that is highly effective for skin tightening and lifting.


HIFU uses targeted ultrasound energy to heat up specific layers of the skin to boost collagen production and skin tightening.

2. How Does HIFU Singapore Work?

HIFU Singapore

Ultrasound Waves

HIFU utilizes targeted high-frequency ultrasound waves between 3-7 MHz. These ultrasound waves are beyond the range of human hearing and are safe for medical use.

HIFU Temperature

Thermal Energy

The energy delivered by HIFU is concentrated within the target zone, resulting in a rapid increase in temperature. The peak temperatures achieved during HIFU treatments can range from 60-70°C.

HIFU Dot Type

Thermal Stimulation 

When tissue is exposed to thermal energy delivered by HIFU within the target zone, it undergoes a process called "coagulative necrosis." Energy is emitted in a highly regulated manner that will denature collagen and other structural proteins to stimulate rejuvenation.

Collagen Production 

HIFU utilizes focused ultrasound energy to create controlled micro-injuries within the targeted skin layers. This trigger the body's natural wound-healing response, specifically activating specialized cells called fibroblasts. Fibroblasts then produce collagen, the protein essential for skin firmness and elasticity. Over time, this increased collagen production leads to noticeable skin tightening and rejuvenation.


Focused Energy

The crucial aspect of HIFU is its ability to focus ultrasound waves at specific layers of the skin. This focal point is known as the "target zone." 

Penetration Depth 

Superficial Dermis (1.5 millimeters)

HIFU can target the uppermost layer of the dermis, which is approximately 1.5 millimeters beneath the skin's surface. At this layer of the skin, HIFU is particularly effective at addressing fine lines and early signs of skin aging.

Deep Dermis (3.0 millimeters)

HIFU energy can penetrate to a depth of about 3.0 millimeters. This depth targets moderate skin laxity and is effective for stimulating collagen production in the deeper layers of the dermis for firmness and elasticity.

SMAS (Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System - 4.5 millimeters)

The SMAS is a fibrous layer located beneath the deep dermis and superficial to the facial muscles. It has a vital role in maintaining facial structure and youthful contoursHIFU precisely targets the SMAS at depths of up to 4.5 millimeters to achieve non-surgical skin tightening and lifting effects, resembling results that are often associated with surgical facelifts.

Visible Results

The effects of HIFU are immediate and continue to improve over time. The body naturally generates new collagen, resulting in tightened skin. Significant improvements become visible within 3-6 months.


 3. Common Aesthetic Concerns Addressed by HIFU 

HIFU Aesthetics

Skin Laxity 

HIFU is effective in addressing skin laxity caused by the loss of collagen and elastin fibers. It delivers focused ultrasound energy to depths up to 4.5 millimeters. This precise energy stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, resulting in the effective tightening of loose or sagging skin.

Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Fine lines and wrinkles are often a result of reduced collagen and skin elasticity. HIFU treatments, targeting depths of 1.5 to 3.0 millimeters, can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles by promoting collagen remodeling and skin tightening.

Jawline Definition

Defined and lifted jawline is achieved as HIFU targets the SMAS (Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System) layer, which maintains facial support and contour.

Nasolabial Folds

​Deep folds that run from the nose to the corners of the mouth can be softened through the stimulation of collagen production in the deep dermis, effectively reducing the prominence of these skin folds.

Brow and Eye Sagging

​HIFU effectively addresses brow and eyelid sagging by targeting the appropriate depths for lifting and tightening, promoting a youthful and refreshed appearance around the eyes.

Neck Laxity

​The neck area is prone to signs of skin aging, such as sagging and wrinkling. HIFU effectively targets the neck and double chin, improving neck laxity and creating a smooth contour.

Décolletage Rejuvenation

​HIFU treatment areas can extend to the chest (décolletage), effectively addressing wrinkles, fine lines, and skin laxity.

4. The Benefits of HIFU Singapore


HIFU is a non-surgical procedure and is considered by most as non-invasive. This minimizes the risk of infection, scarring, and downtime associated with traditional surgical interventions.

Boosts Collagen 

HIFU stimulates collagen production in the skin's deep layers. Studies have shown that HIFU treatments can increase collagen levels by up to 32% over a three-month period.

Natural-Looking Results

HIFU provides gradual and natural-looking results. The gradual nature of collagen remodeling ensures that the skin tightens and lifts over time, avoiding the "pulled" or artificial appearance sometimes associated with surgical facelifts.

Minimal Discomfort

Some patients report minimal discomfort during HIFU. They also describe it as mild sensation of heat or tingling. This is generally very well-tolerated without the need for local anesthesia or numbing creams.

No Downtime

HIFU is often referred to as a "lunchtime facelift" because it typically requires no downtime. Patients can resume their daily activities immediately after treatment, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules.

Excellent Safety Profile

HIFU has a favorable safety profile when performed by trained and experienced healthcare professionals. 



HIFU devices have received FDA approval for the following aesthetic indications:

  • Brow lift 2009

  • Neck and submental lift 2012

  • Improves fine lines and wrinkles of decollete 2014

5. Is HIFU Singapore Right for You?

Age 30 and Above

HIFU is commonly sought by individuals aged 30 and older. This demographic often experiences the early signs of skin aging, including collagen loss and skin laxity.

Mild to Moderate Skin Laxity

HIFU is effective for individuals experiencing mild to moderate skin laxity. This includes sagging skin on the face, neck, and other body areas.

Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Those with concerns related to wrinkles and fine lines can benefit from HIFU treatments. It promotes collagen remodeling and can improve skin texture.


Sagging Jawline and Neck

HIFU is suitable for individuals seeking to enhance jawline definition and address neck laxity. It provides a non-surgical facelift-like effect.

Gender Neutral

Both Men and Women: HIFU is suitable for both men and women. It addresses common aesthetic concerns, making it a gender-inclusive option for cosmetic treatments.

Diverse Skin Types

HIFU can be adapted to different skin types and tones. Its non-invasive nature makes it an option for individuals with diverse ethnic backgrounds and skin characteristics.


Busy Professionals

HIFU is appealing to individuals with busy schedules, as it typically requires minimal downtime. Most patients can resume their daily activities immediately after treatment.


HIFU is a preferred choice for those seeking non-surgical alternatives to more invasive procedures. It offers skin tightening and lifting without surgical risks and recovery periods.

Lasting Results

HIFU provides results that can last up to one to two years, making it suitable for individuals seeking lasting improvements.

6. What to Expect During a HIFU Singapore Session


Before the session, patients typically have a consultation with a qualified healthcare provider. During this consultation, the provider assesses the patient's skin condition, discusses their concerns and goals, and determines the most appropriate treatment plan.



Patients are advised to arrive with a clean face, free from makeup or skincare products. The use of topical aesthetic or numbing cream is not required as this procedure can be performed in a virtually painless manner.


Procedure Setup

The healthcare provider begins by cleansing the treatment area. A gel or ultrasound coupling agent is applied to the skin's surface to facilitate the transmission of ultrasound energy.


HIFU Device Application

The HIFU device is then placed on the treatment area. The device emits focused ultrasound waves, which penetrate the skin to target specific depths. During the procedure, the provider carefully moves the device to treat the entire area evenly.



Patients may experience varying sensations during the procedure. These sensations often include warmth, tingling, or a mild prickling feeling as the ultrasound energy is delivered into the skin. These sensations are typically well-tolerated.



The duration of a HIFU session can vary depending on the size of the treatment area and the specific treatment plan. However, sessions usually last between 30 minutes to an hour.


Immediate Results

Some patients notice an immediate, subtle tightening effect after the HIFU session. However, the full results develop gradually over several weeks to months as the body naturally produces new collagen and the skin tightens.

7. HIFU Singapore Post-Treatment Care and Recovery

Resume Normal Activities

HIFU is known for its minimal downtime. Patients can usually resume their regular activities immediately after the session, including work and social commitments. There is no need for extended recovery or downtime.


Avoid Sun Exposure

It's advisable to avoid direct sun exposure to the treated area immediately after the session. If exposure to sunlight is necessary, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF to protect the skin.


Skincare Products

For a brief period following the procedure, use gentle skincare products. Avoid using harsh or active ingredients, as the skin may be more sensitive. 



Keeping the skin well-hydrated is essential for optimal healing and results. Drink plenty of water and use a hydrating moisturizer to maintain skin hydration.


Avoid Intense Heat

For a short period after the session, it is advisable to avoid hot baths, saunas, or other activities that expose the skin to intense heat. These activities can exacerbate any temporary redness or swelling.

8. How Many HIFU Sessions for Optimal Results?

The required number of HIFU sessions varies based on specific aesthetic concerns and individual responses. While some individuals witness significant improvements after just one session, a series of treatments might be advised for optimal outcomes. 

9. Combining HIFU with Other Aesthetic Treatments

HIFU can be effectively combined with other aesthetic treatments, such as Profhilo, dermal fillers, Botox, INDIBA, or laser therapy, to achieve comprehensive rejuvenation results. 

10. Indications of HIFU Singapore

American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS)

  • Skin tightening and lifting of the face, neck, and décolletage

  • Reduction of wrinkles and fine lines

  • Improvement of skin texture and tone

  • Non-surgical brow lift

  • Non-surgical neck lift

  • Improvement of jawline contour


The Aesthetic Society (formerly ASAPS - American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery)

  • Non-surgical facial rejuvenation

  • Skin tightening and lifting

  • Improvement of nasolabial folds and marionette lines

  • Brow lifting without surgery

  • Enhancement of jawline definition


International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine (IAPAM)

  • Skin tightening and lifting of the face and neck

  • Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles

  • Improvement of skin elasticity

  • Enhancement of facial contours

  • Non-surgical brow and neck lift


11. Alternatives for Face Lift and Body Contouring

Face and Neck Lifting

Body Contouring

  • Radiofrequency Therapy

  • Cryolipolysis

  • Surgery 

12. Comparing HIFU Singapore Machines 

1) ULTRAcel Q+ HIFU: Precision and Versatility

Technology and Treatment Areas

ULTRAcel Q+ utilizes High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) technology, a non-invasive method delivering ultrasound energy deep into the skin's layers. This technology allows precise targeting of tissues at adjustable depths (1.5mm to 13mm), offering versatility for various aesthetic concerns.

Energy Levels and Customization

A standout feature of ULTRAcel Q+ is its adjustable energy levels. Practitioners can customize treatment intensity based on individual patient needs and the specific area being targeted, ensuring tailored and optimal results.

Additional Features

ULTRAcel Q+ stands out with fractional HIFU capability. Fractional treatment, delivering energy in a pattern, enhances precision, making it particularly effective for skin rejuvenation and tightening. Fractional HIFU extends ULTRAcel Q+'s application beyond traditional lifting to a range of aesthetic treatments.

2) Ultraformer 3: Comprehensive Solutions with Patient Comfort in Mind


Depth of Penetration and Safety Measures

Ultraformer 3 delivers focused ultrasound energy at adjustable depths (1.5mm to 10mm). This depth customization tailors the treatment to specific patient needs, with real-time temperature monitoring ensuring a safe and comfortable procedure.


Treatment Modes and Recovery

With multiple treatment modes, Ultraformer 3 offers comprehensive solutions for various aesthetic concerns, including skin tightening, lifting, and contouring. Minimal post-treatment care contributes to a shorter recovery period, allowing patients to resume regular activities sooner.


Patient Comfort and Indications

Ultraformer 3 prioritizes patient comfort, incorporating advanced cooling mechanisms for an effective and comfortable experience. Indicated for skin tightening, lifting, and contouring, it's ideal for those seeking a non-surgical facelift with minimal discomfort and downtime.


3) Sygmalift: Tailored Rejuvenation with Versatility


Treatment Areas and Cooling System

Designed for facial and neck rejuvenation, Sygmalift's non-invasive treatment, coupled with an integrated cooling system, enhances patient comfort. This makes it an appealing option for individuals prioritizing a comfortable experience.

Fractional HIFU and Treatment Options

Sygmalift's defining feature is its fractional HIFU technology, allowing precise and targeted treatment through fractional energy patterns. Offering different treatment options, including Macro, Meso, and Micro Focused, Sygmalift provides practitioners versatility for specific aesthetic concerns.


Safety Measures and Minimal Downtime

Incorporating real-time feedback for energy delivery ensures Sygmalift's safety and effectiveness. Notably, it boasts minimal downtime, allowing patients to undergo facial rejuvenation without a protracted recovery period, making it attractive for those with busy lifestyles.

The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The content is not intended to be a comprehensive source of information and should not be relied upon as such. Reliance on any information provided in this article is solely at your own risk. The authors and the publisher do not endorse or recommend any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned in the article. Any reliance on the information in this article is solely at the reader's own risk.

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779 Yishun Ave 2, #01-1547, Singapore 760779

Tel: 6721 9796

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